National Level E-Commerce Strategies For Developing Nations and Emerging Economies

I wrote an article before trying to mention three major national level strategies in which I think the developing nations and emerging economies should follow in order to get the benefits of E-commerce; which are Raising awareness about the benefits of E-commerce among their societies, Applying Electronic ways of doing business for their enterprises, whether small medium or large businesses, and Making governments play the leading role in the advancement and application of E-commerce such as through applying E-government technologies. In this article I would try to add other major strategies which I think should be given priority.

1. E-commerce Policy making

Driving E-commerce policy is among the major strategies that developing nations and emerging markets should focus. No E-commerce transaction can be done without a policy. Policies could be country specific with the current conditions of the nation. However, nations can take lessons from each other.

2. Use of Local language

Lack of local language Internet content is one of the obstacles E-commerce is facing in the developing nations. English is the most widely used language over the Internet. There is a high need of content by other languages especially those from the developing world. Thus it is very important for the societies of these nations to prepare Internet content with their own language. It is also another effective strategy in order to promote E-commerce in the nations.

3. Gender issues – giving equal access

In many countries, women make up the majority of the rural population, which is often marginalized in terms of telecommunications infrastructure, education and training.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, E-COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2003

Most developing countries and emerging economies lock half of their E-commerce capacity behind doors. If all E-commerce opportunities are given with equal access for women, changes could be doubled. Thus, these nations should be sensitive on gender issues. Equal access for education and infrastructure should be granted if they want real change.

4. E-commerce Infrastructure

Telecommunications, banking, Hardware and Software are among the major infrastructures E-commerce needs to run. Unfortunately, the high cost of Internet, hardware and software are obstacles that limit E-commerce activities in the developing world. Infrastructures are primary for the establishment of E-commerce. Thus, these nations should set strategies to eliminate this problem.

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